- If an image is added to Blogger, it will be stored in a Picasa / Google+ album which has the same name as the Blog.
- The image put in Picasa will:
- be resized (scaled down) to 2048 px max (width or height);
- have the printing resolution set to 96 ppi max.
- in small (200 px) or medium (320 px) or large (400 px) or x-large (640 px) or original size (1600 px max);
- if you click on it: in original size (1600 px max);
- the printing resolution will be 96 ppi max (as it is the image from Picasa).
Picasa: → 2048 px max
Blogger: → 1600 px max
- s1600 = image displayed at 1600 px max.
- If you replace s1600 by another value (e.g. s1200), the picture will be displayed at 1200 px max.
- If you replace s1600 by a value bigger than 2048 (e.g. s4000), then the image will be displayed at 2048 px max (max size in Picasa).
- If you set sXXXX, and the size of the image is YYYY px, with YYYY < XXXX, the image will be displayed at YYYY px.
1) image1.jpg: 4000 px X 2000 px @ 600 ppi (very big image with very high printing resolution)
In Picasa:
- 2048 px X 1024 px @ 96 ppi
In Blogger:
- 1600 px X 800 px @ 96 ppi (default = s1600)
- 2048 px X 1024 px @ 96 ppi (s2048, s3000, etc.)
- 1200 px X 600 px @ 96 ppi (s1200)
2) image2.jpg: 600 px X 300 px @ 72 ppi (small image with small printing resolution)
In Picasa:
- 600 px X 300 px @ 72 ppi
In Blogger:
- 600 px X 300 px @ 72 ppi (default = s1600)
- 600 px X 300 px @ 72 ppi (s2048, s3000, etc.)
- 300 px X 150 px @ 72 ppi (s300)
- If the image has been re-sized by Picasa, the Program name metadata of the image file will be set to Picasa.
- If you edit the image in the Picasa web interface, the Program name metadata of the image file will be set to